Bloom Your Garden: Explore a Variety of Flower Seed Packets!
Alyssum / Royal Carpet Seeds
Excellent as a ground cover, edging or in rockeries. Covered with rich violet or purple flowers.
Pansy / Dream Giants Mixed Seeds
Excellent for use as carpet bedding or border plants. Pansies like a rich, moist soil.
Marigold / Lemon Drop Seeds
An old favourite – suitable for bedding and borders in full sun.
Pansy / Super Swiss Giant Seeds
Foxglove / Exelsior Mixed Seeds
Foxgloves prefer a soil that is friable and somewhat acid.
Aster / Pinocchio Mix Seeds
Many beautiful rich bright colours. Plants are compact and become completely covered with fully double blooms.
Carnation / Giant Chabuad Double Mix Seeds
Sow seeds in loose gritty soil and protect by covering until germinated. Delightful spicy fragrance.
Marigold / Sunset Giants Seeds
A tall grower producing large blooms. Excellent as a background. Needs very little attention.
Zinnia / Giants of California Seeds
Although they will grow in poor soil they prefer a rich soil and a moderate amount of water. Extra large double flowers 10 – 15 cm across.
Voila / Cornuta Mixed Seeds
Excellent for carpet bedding, borders and edgings. Water freely and protect from sun when first transplanted..
Marigold / Naughty Marietta Seeds
Suitable for bedding and borders in full sun. Dwarf variety with large flowers.
Osteospermum / Star Of The Veldt Seeds
Grow in a sheltered spot in well-drained soil in full sun. In frost-free areas it can be grown as a perennial, but in frost areas, it is best treated as an annual. Alternatively, grow in pots that can be moved indoors in Autumn..
Petunia / Bedding Finest Mixture Seeds
Ideal for borders or massed bedding. Requires a rich well drained soil..
Aster / Colour Carpet Seeds
These plants are compact with fully double Chrysanthemum-type flowers. Ideal for bedding.
Dianthus (single Mixed) Seeds
Ideal in beds or as a border.
Marigold / Boy 'O Boy Seeds
Ideal for bedding and borders. Boy ‘O Boy is a compact mixture of colours, plants become completely covered with fully double flowers.
Marigold / Petite Mixed Seeds
Suitable for bedding and edgings. Neat bushes with early free flowering habit.